Renowned political talkshow host, Kungu Al-mahadi Adam aka Adam Kungu on Saturday visited the home of long term lover, Atugonza Boniconsilla alias Bonitah Charity, in a glamorous ‘Kubunga (Kukyala)’ ceremony, held in Hoima City.
‘Kubunga’ is the first visit a man and his family makes to the girl’s family to make their intentions (to marry her) known. An introduction (Kwanjula) ceremony and wedding follow after.
Adam and his family arrived at Bonita’s home at around 2 PM. At the entrance, a white boutonniere (small floral arrangement) was placed on the left lapel of each visitor’s jacket, slightly above the heart.
This gesture, which was a sign of a friendly and exciting welcome into the home, preceded other traditional activities involved in ‘eKubunga’.
Clad in their traditional wear, the visitors looked modern and African at the same time. Adam, in particular, he dazzled and stunned in a white tunic (Kanzu), matching it with a sensational but rather astonishing army jacket, making him very unique and smart.
On her part, his beautiful lover, Bonitah, effortlessly stunned in a beautiful gomesi matched with a gold peach sash. She kept it simple with some makeup to complete her amazing look – stunning she was.
During the ceremony, which was attended by family members, friends, and several media personalities, Bonita, a medical professional, spotted Adam Kungu and assured her relatives that he is the man she has chosen to marry.
For Bonita’s parents, you would see a strong and deep bond with their precious daughter. They expressed pleasure in seeing their only girl child starting to prepare to get married.The two have been seeing each other for some time.