KWith a month to the Christmas festive season, Police has promised to intensify its operations to enforce traffic rules. Effective next week, traffic police will rejuvenate operations to crack down on offenders of traffic rules.
This was revealed by Traffic Police Director Dr. Stephen Kasiima during a news conference on Thursday. Dr. Kasiima said that as the festive season draws near, motorists tend to misbehave while on the road.
“We shall increase operations. Any slight mistake we shall arrest you,” Kasiima warned.
The Traffic Police boss warned that most motorists violate road signs but warned all will be arrested.
He cited an example of zebra crossings which are the most violated points on roads but urged motorists to always respect them.
“When you reach a zebra crossing stop completely and look at both sides to see no pedestrian is crossing.”
He warned that on arrest, motorists would not be given tickets but rather taken to the cells and spend at least two days before being taken to court.