VP Alupo Calls for Synergies Among Global Players to Achieve SDGs in Least Developed Countries by Muhamadi Byemboijana March 6, 2023 0 Uganda’s Vice President, Her Excellency Jessica Alupo, on Saturday addressed the United Nations conference on the least developed countries, where ...
Museveni to Officiate Virtual World Health Summit at Munyonyo Today by SoftPower June 27, 2021 0 President Yoweri Museveni is scheduled to officiate the opening of the first World Health Summit Regional Meeting in Africa happening ...
Norway Donates Shs 7.4Bn to UN in Uganda to Support SDGs by Paul Ampurire May 17, 2018 0 The UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in Uganda has received a financial donation of USD 2 million (Shs 7.4 billion) ...
Makerere Unveils Plan for Shs29bn School of Graduate Studies and Research in Infrastructure Revolution