Police Deploy Marine Officers to Ensure Safety on Beaches by Kungu Al-mahadi Adam December 31, 2018 0 As preparations for the New Year's celebrations continue to across the country with hundreds of revelers planning to flock beaches, ...
City Tycoon, Charles Muhangi Dead by Nixon Segawa December 6, 2018 0 Kampala city tycoon and former motor rally champion, Charles Muhangi is dead, according to Police. Police confirmed that Muhangi was ...
Police: Items at Edith Byanyima Residence were Connected to Impending Crime by Paul Ampurire October 3, 2018 0 Police has said that Wednesday's search carried out at the residence of Edith Byanyima, sister to opposition leader Dr Kizza ...
Makerere Unveils Plan for Shs29bn School of Graduate Studies and Research in Infrastructure Revolution