RUKIGA – Residents across Rukiga district on Wednesday held peaceful demonstrations over what they say is the poor state of services in their district.
Protestors accuse government of not considering their demands for improved services despite the various calls they have made in the past.
They also allege that President Yoweri Museveni had promised to avail them good services following the defeat of then strong Forum for Democratic Change in the 2016 elections but it was not fulfilled.
On Wednesday, protests were held in the sub-counties of Kashambya, Rwamucucu, Kamwezi and Muhanga town council. Protesters held placards some of them reading ‘President Museveni, restore our hope’.
Jackson Bitariho Kijiko, one of the locals said that he was compelled to campaign for the NRM during the elections but since then, he has not seen value for his efforts.
“Rukiga used to be a strong FDC supporting constituency but the President promised us better life after kicking out the opposition from the area which we did greatly. However, to our disappointment, nothing visible has so far been registered,” said Kijiko.
Rogers Kalenzi, another protester said that their hopes had been raised when President Museveni appointed their area Member of Parliament, Herbert Kabafunzaki as a Minister but the events that saw him dropped from this seat have since devastated them.
“We thought that with Kabafunzaki as a minister, Rukiga would quickly develop however currently, we have lost all the hope for better roads and infrastructural development since he was dropped under circumstances that we did not understand,” said Kalenzi.
Another aggrieved protester, Prossy Abenanye told this website that their desire is to see the President fulfilling the pledges he made towards them during the campaigns since it is all they are waiting for to have an improved state of living.
“Most of our roads in the district are impassable despite the President promising to upgrade them; we need the assistance he also promised for elders and women to be fully satisfied. Our main joy now would be to meet the president and share with him our grief,” said Abenanye.
David Byarugaba said that their main concern is about the Kamwezi-Muhanga-Kisiizi road which is greatly affected by floods during the rainy season making transport a big challenge to the locals in the area.
“Since the start of the rains, this road has been affected. It is mostly flooded and also full of rocks from the hills which make transportation of our commodities difficult. Atleast if this was upgraded, we would have a reason to smile,” he said.
Rukiga district has since September last year greatly suffered from the negative effects of heavy rains as residents decry the sweeping away of their gardens, houses and roads.