The 2nd bi-annual meeting of the Presidential CEO Forum has resolved to expedite the Export Insurance Credit Fund for high-risk markets.
The resolution was arrived at during the Thursday forum in Ntungamo district hosted by President Yoweri Museveni.

During Uganda-DRC Business Summit Post Event at Serena hotel yesterday, Uganda Export Promotions Board (UEPB) also suggested developing an Export Credit Finance Scheme (ECF).
Brenda Katarikawe, a Senior Export Marketing Executive at UEPB, emphasized export financing to maximize and expand the businesses’ export potential.

In pursuit of the original 10-point program, the CEO forum also resolved that in concert with the Congo government, invest in infrastructure development such as toll roads, air cargo capacity and services such as internet through Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) and broadcasting communications through Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC).
It also emphasized value addition processing while reducing electricity tariffs for Small to Medium Enterprises.

The private sector is currently preparing exporters to sustainably supply (agro-processing, value-added and manufactured exporters) the newly-found DRC market.

The CEO forum further prioritized the capacity building of internal markets through support to government programs such as Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) and the Parish Development Model (PDM).

Working alongside trading groups such as KACITA to protect local products against subsidized imports from outside the East African Community and the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and supporting intending players in the oil and gas industry with a keen interest in capacity building for local content and encourage joint ventures to tap on foreign technical expertise where gaps may be, were some of the other resolutions reached during the Ntungamo meeting.