KATAKWI – Four people including three police officers have been shot dead in a nasty murder and suicide incident in the district of Katakwi.
The gruesome incident occurred on Tuesday night when a police officer identified as Omara Alfred Otto at the rank of Police Constable shot and killed two of his colleagues (police officers) attached to the Anti Stock Theft Unit, and one civilian said to have been his girl friend.
It is reported that the shoot out also left two civilians critically injured.
The two police officers who were killed are Nandutu Lilian (Corporal) who was the Officer-in-charge (O.C) at Kapujan police detach in Katakwi and Erimu Julius (Police Constable). The female civilian (suspect’s girlfriend) has been identified as Anyait Ester.
According to a statement issued by the Police deputy spokesperson, SP Patrick Onyango, the shooting arose from a domestic dispute between the shooter and his girlfriend, Ester.
On Tuesday, Ester went to the Police O.C for assistance to resolve the misunderstanding, and the O.C summoned Omara. However, in the process of discussing the disagreement, Omara got up, went to his hut, picked a gun which he used to shoot the 3 dead.
After the shooting, Omara fled the scene along with his gun which he would later use to commit suicide.
Police say that his body and the rifle were later recovered from Bisinia stream.
“We urge out officers to solve their issues amicably, not to resort to violence,” the statement by Police read.
Preparations are being made to have the officers who died in line of duty buried.