The new Deputy Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny Dollo has Saturday been officially sworn into office by President Yoweri Museveni. The event held at State House Entebbe was witnessed by Chief Justice Bart Katureebe, Minister of the Presidency Esther Mbayo, Head of Public Service, Mr. John Mitala, Justices, members of the Judicial Service Commission and representatives of security agencies.
In August, President Museveni appointed Justice Owiny Dollo to succeed Justice Steven Kavuma who clocked his retirement age.
During Saturday’s swearing in ceremony, Museveni lauded Justice Steven Kavuma for his long service to both the country and the Judiciary. Justice Kavuma was present, accompanied by his wife, Ruth Kavuma.
The President congratulated Justice Owiny Dollo on his new appointment.
He used the occasion to urge for discipline within the judiciary so as to fight corruption.
“Discipline is crucial. If implemented by all the arms of the State, the country will move forward,” Museveni said, alluding to the army that has upheld discipline despite the low salaries.
“If the Judiciary is disciplined in fighting corruption, the citizens of your country would be happy,” he added.
While the President acknowledged the inadequacies that the judiciary is faced with, he noted that there’s still room for it to make an impact.
“You do not have to be everywhere. You can utilise the meagre resources to do more because not all cases are the same. You may for instance prioritise murder, rape, defilement and commercial cases,” he said.
In his remarks, Chief Justice, Bart Katureebe appealed for full benefits for retiring judicial officers as well as fastracking the Judiciary Administration of Judiciary Bill which seeks to grant the judiciary financial and administration independence.
Nevertherless, Katureebe thanked the President for “injecting fresh blood in the judiciary top management”.
The President pledged support the tabling of the Bill as well as the issue regarding retirement benefits for judicial officers as long as funds are unavailable.