Government through the Ministry of Works and Transport, has launched engagements on commencing of tolling operations on the Kampala-Entebbe Expressway.
During the launch of the engagement commencement of the toll fees at the Kajjansi poll station on Tuesday, Works and Transport Minister General Edward Katumba Wamala, noted that the fees will be effected on January, 1, 2022.
“All motorists who will use the expressway from the commencement date for tolling will be required to pay toll to use the expressway” he said,
Katumba added, “Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) will in turn use the tolls collected to pay back the Operator (EGIS Operations SPA) for operations and maintenance of the road and to repay the loan from China Exim Bank for construction of the road.”
The Roads Act prescribes that the Minister of Works and Transport may, by statutory instrument, declare a toll road and prescribe tolls. For Kampala Entebbe Expressway, the information was published in the Uganda Gazette of 22 October 2021.
Katumba noted that UNRA through its Toll Operator is now authorised to levy and collect for the Government of Uganda, the tolls payable under Section 10 of the Roads Act, on vehicles using the Kampala Entebbe Expressway.
He said that motorcycles with more than 400cc and not boda bodas will pay shs3000, light vehicles will pay shs5000, medium goods vehicles(2-3axles) will pay shs10,000, large goods vehicles and buses(4-5 axles) will pay shs15000 whereas large goods vehicles will pay shs18000.
The minister noted that the motorists will be required to pay the toll fees per single passage through any of the toll plazas along the expressway.
Katumba revealed that the toll fees shall be paid by use of either cash or electronic card as shall be communicated prior to commencement of tolling.
He however noted that only the presidential convoy and emergency vehicles like ambulances, fire brigades are exempted from paying the toll fees.
The above toll fees shall be valid for a period of one year from the commencement date for tolling, and government through the Ministry of works and transport shall review and adjust the rates if necessary, based on the prevailing circumstances.
He noted that the toll structure will also provide for discounts for frequent users of the expressway as an incentive for those who stay in Entebbe and work in Kampala or those making frequent trips between the two destinations.
He revealed that, weekly users will be given a 50% discount for seven day return trips purchased in advance whereas monthly users will have up to 70% in discount for 30 days return trips paid for in advance, and electronic card users will have 10% discount per trip.
The UNRA Executive Director, Allen Kagina said the funds collected from using the road will be used to fund its operation and maintenance.

UNRA contracted Egis Roads Operation S. A, a French company to help operate and maintain the Entebbe Expressway, saying the company will collect the toll and install systems.
“The company will also install, maintain new and improved road safety signs, and guardrails, and replace damaged fencing,” Kagina said.