The Inspector Gen of Police, Gen Kale Kayihura has fired commandant of the Professional Standards Unit of police, SCP Good Mwesigwa and replaced him with Assistant Commissioner of Police, Okalany John William.
In a message to all units Kayihura ordered the transfer and appointment of Okalany as commandant of PSU with immediate effect.
” I have transfered ACP Okalany John William from the directorate of Human Resource and Legal Services and appointed him commandant PSU,” the message dated 10 January 2018 read in part.
On Thursday 10 January 2018, this site reported CMI’s unravelling of the sale of guns and bullets by Good Mwesigwa to Tembo Steel company in Lugazi. The guns were sold under the guise of scrap.
Read More: INVESTIGATION: CMI Unravels Police Illegal Sale of Guns, Live Ammunition
Mwesigwa who is still at large penned a letter to the management of Tembo Steel assuring them of the deal that has caused ripples within security circles.
While Mwesigwa is still at large, several workers of Tembo steel are detained in Nalufenya to aid investigations. One of the workers of the company had taken off with one of the guns and rounds of ammunition before the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) intervened.
Mwesigwa replaced the jailed Senior Commissioner of Police Joel Aguma now in Luzira prison on charges of espionage and kidnap of Rwandan refugees before illegally repatriating them to Rwanda.
When the powers that be have finished unraveling each other’s deeds, some sanity may prevail.