The inaugural Queen’s Ball, a prestigious dinner event organized by the Nnaabagereka Fund and partners aimed at shining a light on mental health issues that are impacting the youth, women and children in the country, is scheduled to take place on May 9, 2024.
The Queen’s Ball will take place at the Kampala Serena Hotel’s Victoria Ballroom.
The event which will raise public awareness and funds dedicated to mental health will be held under the theme ‘Shine a Light: Illuminating Mental Health.’
Founded by Her Royal Highness, Nnaabagereka Sylvia Nagginda Luswata, Nnaabagereka Fund has become a beacon of hope since its establishment in October 2022, providing essential assistance in areas such as mental health, education, healthcare, and economic empowerment.
Speaking at the launch in Bulange Mengo, Her Royal Highness, Nnaabagereka Sylvia Nagginda Luswata said she has seen the transformative power of compassion, understanding and support.
“This spirit of empathy drives us forward today as we strive to have a community where no one suffers in silence. Let us recommit ourselves to the cause of mental health advocacy, let us pledge to be beacons of hope to those who are struggling to be allies in the fight against stigma, and to be agents of change in our communities,” she said.
Adding, “We are delighted to join forces with partners for the Queen’s Ball. Together, we can shine a light on mental wellness and create lasting legacies for future generations.”
The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Executive Director, Nyombi George William Thembo, expressed UCC’ commitment to a framework that supports and enhances mental health through effective communication, among other avenues.
The Queen’s Ball promises to be a memorable occasion, bringing together entrepreneurs, executives, diplomats, corporate sponsors, Buganda Kingdom officials in support of a noble cause.
With a focus on culture, networking, and philanthropy, the event aims to unite influential individuals from diverse industries in Uganda, with Nnaabagereka Fund serving as the binding force.
Speaking to the media at the press briefing, I&M Bank CEO Robin Bairstow noted that the partnership between I&M Bank and the Nnaabagereka Fund underscores the bank’s commitment to community development and social responsibility.
“As a socially responsible institution, I&M Bank Uganda is honoured to partner with the Nnaabagereka Fund for the Queen’s Ball. Mental health is a critical issue facing our society, and through our collaboration with the Nnaabagereka we aim to make a meaningful impact in the lives of women, youth, and children in Uganda,” said Bairstow.
“This year is particularly very special for us because as we celebrate our Golden Jubilee these are the causes and projects that make it special – effecting change and being part of those creating a real impact in the community,” Bairstow added.
The Queen’s Ball promises to be a memorable occasion, bringing together entrepreneurs, executives, diplomats, corporate sponsors, Buganda Kingdom officials in support of a noble cause.
With a focus on culture, networking, and philanthropy, the event aims to unite influential individuals from diverse industries in Uganda, with Nnaabagereka Fund serving as the binding force.