The three MPs namely, Cissy Namujju (Lwengo district Woman), Yusuf Mutembuli (Bunyole West), and Paul Akamba (Busiki County), who were recently detained at Kira Police Division in Wakiso over alleged corruption have been brought at the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala.
The three were recently summoned to the Criminal Investigations Department. They were later detained at Kira Division Police.
On Wednesday afternoon, the trio was brought to the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala.
The MPs are accused of colluding with officials from the Ministry of Finance to obtain bribes from accounting officers in order to pass budgets of government agencies.
Court records indicate they solicited a percentage share of the Uganda Human Rights Commission’s 2024/25 budget, promising to influence its increase. The trio has pleaded not guilty.
The investigations were ordered by President Yoweri Museveni.
The President revealed at the State of the Nation Address that he had finally received evidence against a corrupt cartel and pledged to crush them.
Museveni noted that he had been getting good information about corrupt actors among the public servants but also among the political actors.
“I have been hearing that from the Ministry of Finance, they collude with the accounting officers of ministries to come to Parliament working with some people there (Parliament) to provide certain funds, provided you take a share. I didn’t believe this but now I have proof,” said Museveni.
He added, “With firm evidence, I will crush these traitors. Public servants and political leaders that steal Government money will be crushed.”
Parliament is reportedly tensed up following the arrest of the three MPs. Several legislators have told SoftPower News that some of their colleagues are holed up in the countryside out of fear they could be arrested. They insist everyone should carry their cross.