Embattled self-proclaimed King of Ankole, Umar Asiimwe Rubambansi has filed charges against his father and other family members for the brutal assault they allegedly caused him during a recent family meeting at Itaaba kingship home in Rwampara, Mbarara district.
It is suspected that a brawl ensued during the said meeting and Asiimwe recently told this website that it stemmed from a disagreement among family members on money given to the ‘King’ by President Yoweri Museveni.
Police spokesperson for Rwizi Region, ASP Samson Kasasira confirmed to SoftPower News on Friday that Asiimwe had opened a case file at Mbarara central Police station on Thursday.
This was after he was discharged from Mayanja Memorial Hospital where he had been hospitalized following the injuries he sustained from the said brawl.
He accuses his father, Idrisa Kawesi aged 60, a resident of Kasese district, and others of causing him griveous harm.
“Umar reported to Police yesterday evening, in a little bit good health, and opened a case against the father and other his family members,” said ASP Kasasira.
Asiimwe Rubambansi Ntare VI, the great grandson of the famous King Ntare V enthroned himself as King (Omugabe) of Ankole on October 22, 2017 at the ‘kingdom palace’ located in Itaaba Kyabanyoro in Rwampara county.
However, the Police spokesperson for Rwizi said Asiimwe’s father had also earlier on New Year’s Day filed a counter accusation against his son for causing gruesome harm to some of his body parts. The case is registered under SD Ref 10/01/01/2019 at Mbarara CPS.
Kawesi did not record a statement as he was first sent to the hospital for medication, ASP Kasasira revealed.
“Kawesi reported here at Police but as Police, we cannot arrest a suspect who is sick. He was in deep pain, we had to offer him Police bond so he could go for medication as we can investigate their matter,” said Kasasira
He said that Police is yet to establish exactly why the family got involved in the serious brawl.
When contacted on phone by SoftPower News, Kawesi who said he was going for an X-ray, said he could not disclose family issues on phone.