The National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) leader Joseph Kabuleta has asked Ugandans to desist from tribal and political talks if they are to thrive economically.
Addressing the people of Masaka and Ankole sub region last week, Kabuleta revealed that tribalism and political differences have kept Ugandans backward because the two factors keep them disunited and distracted.
“What we should do is one, we should come together and solve our problems because they are the same. Today people from Buddu have understood that people from Ankole also have their problems and next time, we shall organise another summit that will bring together all people from different regions of Uganda,” he said.
Adding, “People from Buganda will hear from those of Karamoja, Arua, Bunyoro, Busoga etc. Everyone will air out their issues. After that, people will realise that we all face the same problems despite our tribes and political affiliations.”
The journalist turned politician further urged Ugandans to unite for a common cause of fighting for their natural resources that will in the end help them uplift their livelihoods.
“What disunites us as Ugandans is that people in one region don’t understand what’s happening in the other. This is because we discuss our problems in different languages, so most times you feel that you have more problems than people in other regions. We came up with NEED to ensure that all of you understand that as Ugandans, we face the same problems; the poverty, poor governance, the suffering are all the same,” he said.
The former presidential candidate, is currently on a nationwide campaign premised on protecting Uganda’s natural deposits that could be used by citizens to alleviate themselves from poverty.
Launched last year, NEED l, a political movement has so far managed to spread the economic empowerment message to Busoga, Buganda, Bugisu, Bukedi, Teso, Sebei, Lango, Acholi, West Nile,Tooro, Rwenzori, Kigezi and Ankole sub regions.