Raphael Magyezi the architect of the Constitution Amendment Bill seeking to remove the Presidential age limit has expressed reservations about the current Parliamentary Legal Committee which is handling the Bill.
Magyezi has thus appealed to the Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga to consider restructuring the committee citing that most of the members thereon are already biased.
The legal and Parliamentary Affairs committee is chaired by West Budama South County MP, Jacob Oboth Oboth deputised by Robinah Rwakoojo.
Other members include Veronica Eragu, Monicah Amoding, Medard Ssegona, Wilfred Niwagaba, Jackson Kafuuzi, Anna Adeke Ebaju, Mathias Mpuuga, Abdu Katuntu and Ibrahim Ssemuju Nganda among others. Many of these are opposition MPs who are contesting the proposed amendment.
Magyezi expressed worry that most of the members on this committee already have conflict of interest and are biased about the proposed Bill.
Magyezi is concerned that the committee members will not give a fair hearing to stakeholders who will appear before the committee to give out their views.
“Stakeholders deserve a fair hearing from a committee that is neutral, independent, objective and not biased; I think I have a right to express my reservations about those members who have openly come out in public to say they don’t support the bill and that they will oppose it,” Magyezi.
Magyezi believes that such members should have the courtesy to step down since they have a conflict of interest in the issue being discussed.