The Inspector General of Police, Gen Kale Kayihura has appointed AIGP Abas Byakagaba to replace the late Andrew Felix Kaweesi as the Director Human Resource development in the police force.
The position became vacant when AIGP Andrew Kaweesi was assassinated in March this year.
Byakagaba has been the commandant Senior Staff College in Bwebajja.
AIGP Haruna Isabirye who has been in charge of the Anti-Stock Unit has been appointed as director welfare and production to replace Elizabeth Muwanga who retired recently.
Isabirye once served as Kampala Metropolitan Commander, after replacing the late AIGP Kaweesi in the same position.
Among others transferred is Moses Kafeero who has been appointed commandant Senior Staff College in Bwebajja.
He recently completed a police course in Rwanda.
AIGP Andrew Sorowen, the director Special duties has been appointed as the police sports liaison officer with the ministry of education and sports.
Fenny Kyomukama who has been in the Field Force Unit has been appointed commander Anti Stock Unit whereas Emmanuel Mukama from Amisom has been transferred to VIPPU.
The transfers, according to the IGP, take immediate effect.