Police in Mbarara district are investigating circumstances under which a security guard attached to SGA allegedly shot and killed a hawker who was trading in Mbarara municipality.
According to the Police regional spokesperson for Rwizi, ASP Samson Kasasira, the accused is identified as Brian Byaruhanga, a private security guard attached to SGA Security Company.
The incident occurred Tuesday night at around 8pm when Byaruhanga allegedly shot a one Alex Nuwamanya aged 18. It is alleged that Nuwamanya was attempting to disarm the security guard.
Byaruhanga guards at Total Kashari along the Mbarara – Masaka road.
Nuwamanya was rushed to Mbarara regional referral hospital where he was later pronounced dead.
ASP Kasasira confirmed to SoftPower News that the suspect has been arrested and the seized by Police to aid investigations.
Byaruhanga is currently detained at Mbarara Central Police Station and is charged with murder.