Over 40 police officers were on Friday decorated with medals for their exceptional service. The medals were handed by President Yoweri Museveni during the 32nd Liberation Day celebrations held at Boma Grounds in Arua district.
The officers were awarded with two categories of medals; the Golden Jubilee Medal, and the Police Centenary Plus Medal. These were spread against those in the military, Police, Prisons and civilians.
Among the Police officers awarded was the serving Police spokesperson, SSP Emilian Kayima.
While addressing a gathering of people at the Boma Grounds, President Museveni called upon the Police to do more in restoring discipline on roads in Uganda, which he said was a determining factor for foreign investments.
“The Police must insist on enforcing the traffic and Road safety codes. Don’t overtake when you’re not supposed to overtake and don’t drive on the pavement because it’s for pedestrians. I have heard investors complaining about drivers in Uganda,” President Museveni said.
“As Uganda is developing, I appeal to Ugandans to learn discipline. If you’re in Kampala and see how recklessly the boda boda cyclists ride, you’re going to undermine our efforts to bring more people to Uganda”.
The President also pointed out that security and prosperity were two of NRM’s key principles and that significant achievements have been made over the years in that regard.