Uganda’s renowned comedy duo, Madrat and Chiko, are set to celebrate their 10th anniversary with the highly-anticipated Nseko Buseko comedy show. The event, scheduled for October 8, 2024, at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel, marks a significant milestone in the duo’s illustrious career.
At the anniversary launch, Madrat and Chiko promised a fun-packed show for their fans and expressed gratitude towards Uganda Waragi for its unwavering support. Uganda Waragi, a product of Uganda Breweries, has injected Shs 30 million in sponsorship.
Hillary Baguma, Uganda Breweries’ Brand Manager for Mainstream Spirits, congratulated the duo on their achievement. “As a brand deeply rooted in Ugandan culture, we’re thrilled to contribute to the growth of our creative talent and be part of Ugandan comedy’s story.”
Ticket prices for the show are:Table: Shs 3 millionVVIP: Shs 100,000VIP: Shs 50,000, Ordinary: Shs 30,000
The duo will also perform in Mukono at Colline Hotel, on October 12, Masaka at Maria Flo on October 19, and Mbarara at Adit Mall.